Market Research Solutions

We provide customized market research solutions with over twenty years experience using voice of customer data and market analytics. This has allowed our clients to build stronger relationships between brands, products, services and their customers leading to exceptional business performance.

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Entering and engaging existing and new markets is about understanding customers, their needs, and how they make purchase decisions. We help our clients make insightful business decisions by thoroughly evaluating the market landscape, various brands, and consumer segments in a variety of global industries.

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Products & Tools

We provide you with the products and tools that go beyond data. Working in partnership with our clients, we deploy contemporary methodologies, proven data analytics, and statistical modeling to convert the voice of customer data into information that delivers insightful, meaningful, and reliable intelligence, inspires action, and enables your business to make informed decisions.

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Product Lifecycle

Consumers’ needs change as the market evolves and a product progresses through its lifecycle.  We provide market research solutions to support your product’s journey, uncovering potential opportunities for new or existing products and driving growth with relevant, scalable market research throughout the entire product lifecycle.

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Identifying the significant differences between groups of consumers is a key component to penetrating markets and increasing revenues. Segmentation research can uncover potential customer clusters, expose unmet needs, and provide insights on how to approach different customer groups to improve overall marketing effectiveness.

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Unlock solutions to your most challenging product design or pricing strategies by using Conjoint analytics and predictive modeling to understand your market’s preferences. Simulating real life purchasing decisions, Conjoint provides you with insight into the relative significance of product attributes and price points.

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Industry Reports 

The Key Group is pleased to announce the release of the 2024 U.S. Dental Laboratory Market Assessment and Trends Report. Now in its 12th year, this report provides a comprehensive overview of material usage and trends in many categories including crown and bridge, digital technologies (CAD CAM/3D Printing), dental implants, dentures, and production methodologies in the U.S. dental market.

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Why Choose Us?

The Key Group has served as a global primary market research partner for numerous companies in the healthcare and consumer industries. From recruiting to data collection and reporting, our work has helped clients:

  • Optimize product design and pricing
  • Measure brand equity and customer loyalty
  • Evaluate market environments and customer perception
  • Successfully position and launch new products
  • Assess the competitive landscape

Market Pulse VOC Surveys

The Key Group’s Market Pulse Surveys are a type of “Omnibus” survey which combines quantitative research questions from multiple companies allowing them to share the cost of conducting the survey, while retaining exclusivity to their data. This vehicle provides companies with a cost effective method of obtaining strategic market research insights.